free vst

free vst

Hi.. welcome to My name is Aliv. I am a musician and a blogger. I collected free vsts and would like to share them with you. Feel free to drop comments and share it with your friends. Happy making music!


Horus is something between a string machine and a poly synth. It can generate impressive and inspirative pads. 64 voices polyphonic. 4 oscillators: 4′, 8′, 16′, 32′ Chorus. Auto-Wah. Static formant filter. LP filter. 1 LFO (sine) Phaser. Stereo delay.…


Esline is a vintage Arp Solina String Ensemble emulation. ARP Solina is a multi-orchestral machine with violin, viola, trumpet, horn, cello and contrabass. The contrabass and cello selectors can be used to turn on a 16′ or 8′ monophonic bass,…

easy-mr. stringer

A String Synth Module with following specs: 2 Oscilators ( 2 X 17 various String-Waves) 5 Octave-tuning and Level 2 Filter ( Low-pass-Band-pass ) > 1 LFO – ADSR – Velocity – modulation 1 LFO > OSC-Tuning (LFO´s = 5…

Crazy Diamonds

Crazy Diamonds emulates vintage string ensemble devices. Remember that gorgeous G minor chord just at the beginning of that famous song with a very similar name? You never found a plugin capable of producing such a sound?Crazy Diamond will ease…

Cheeze Machine

Cheeze Machine emulates the classic string ensemble sound, made popular by such classic synths as the Crumar Performer or the Arp Solina. saw-like waveform chorus ensemble emulator 6-stages phaser reverb


VL-122 virtually reproduces the vintage electro-mechanic spinet organ Hammond L-122. The sound engine of the VL-122 is a physical modelling emulation of the real electro-mechanic generators (tone-wheels), drawbars, filters and effects (vibrato and reverb) that compose the original instrument. Moreover,…


Free VSTi made by Jason Morin with the Maize Sampler.Contains samples from the Supertone reed organ that is part of my Reed Organs sample set. I recorded it with 2 different microphones including a shotgun mic, the samples in the…


S3O is a drawbar organ designed to offer something different from the normal hammond emulators. It is designed to create Church Organs, Power Organs and Electronic Organs, in fact any type of Organ that you can imagine.