Category SYNTHS


subfreak is an ultra-simple 2 Osc synth for creating low down and dirty sub bass. Just play your notes a couple of octaves below middle C for that deep subby hum change the waveform of Osc 2 to add a…

String Theory

String Theory is a Physical Modeling Plucked Strings synth with dual phrase arpeggiators. Each arp has its own speed, gate, and octave controls; which allows for far more complex patterns than the average arp and can also help better simulate…


SpectroBits interprete the image as a “Spectrogram“, that means X-Axis as time, Y-Axis is frequency (but the MIDI note determine the base-note). The black pixel is silent. The bright pixels means strong harmonics for that freq. The “A4=440” (red) line…


Sonitarium employs a variant of DSF synthesis with aliasing-free oscillators that generate a quadrature stereo signal. Providing up to 200 oscillators per voice, Sonitarium is most suitable for fat pads, drone sounds, and horror music. Aliasing-free DSF oscillators, each generating a…

Smidy PlugIn

Smidy PlugIn is a VST3 synthesizer / sampleplayer. 16 MIDI channels. 16 audio output busses (fix wired to MIDI channel 1-16). Note expressions “Pan” and “Volume” for each MIDI channel, key. Program list for instruments on MIDI channel 1-9, 11-16, program…


SixSenZe. Multi OSC, 5×3 basic waveforms. Octave select and micro-detuner. Amp. envelope. Multimode Filter. SuperSAW effect. Midi automation. Preset selector.


Scylla is a multi-layered synthesizer capable of producing synthesized audio combined with playback of custom samples and waveforms. Scylla includes three different types of oscillators that can be modified to a wide variety of styles. Three built-in samplers can accommodate .wav…